Saturday 16 March 2013

Travels around the world – Thailand

Bangkok is busy. Quite possibly the busiest place I have been to so far in my life.  We had cheated and started our time backpacking by booking ourselves 2 nights in a hotel and after that long flight we were so glad we did.  The hotel we had chosen was about 12 miles from the airport but we had arrived during the morning rush hour so half an hour after getting into the Taxi we were motionless on the main highway into the city and really had the chance to take in the sights, sounds and smells of Bangkok.  The first thing that amazed me was the commuter train.  The track ran along side the motorway and the train was packed. I do not mean packed in the same way as the trains and public transport in the UK gets packed, in Thailand they take it to a different level.  I don’t think there was a spare inch of space on this train, when the inside of the train was becoming too crowded then there was obviously a roof for people to sit on.  Don’t fancy the roof?  Why not just hang on to the side of the train?  It is one of the most amazing things I have seen and cannot ever forget.
As we got into the city itself then there are other things to take your eye.  The city is dirty, busy and polluted.  The traffic police all wear face masks when they are directing the traffic, Tuk Tuks and mopeds are everywhere and when the traffic lights turned red the mopeds surrounded the taxi all waiting for the green light….When this changes then it is every man for himself.  It is like the starting line of a very badly organised motorcycle race with horns going and bikes weaving in and out of the traffic.

Tuk Tuks are a great way to get around and we soon got used to using them. Always agree a price before you begin the journey though to avoid being ripped off.  There are always drivers around and they are always happy just to take you on a tour of the city.  Normally though they want to take you to a few shops, Opals or Suits are normally what they want you to buy.  We didn’t do the tours, just went to the places we wanted to visit.  What did amaze me was how well they speak English.  If you are lost or just stop to look at the map there are people there asking if you need help and they will just chat away to practice their English conversation.
The Grand Palace is the main tourist attraction; this is where you find the Emerald Buddha among other things.  The palace is actually several buildings that have evolved over generations, Each king of Thailand has added their own part to the Grand Palace over the last 200 years. You have to make sure you are correctly attired to gain entry to the palace as it is part of their spiritual culture. No Shorts No cut off Tee Shirts….And no pointing your feet at the Buddha.
If you are fed up with trying to get around the city on the roads then the river is a good way to get around.  There are jetty’s all over the city and a river bus will take you up or down the river.  I was amazed at how briefly the boat stops. It pulls in to the stop, everyone jumps off or on and then the boat is off again.  If you are not quick you are not travelling!
As a backpacker you need to see Khaosan Road. There are plenty of little bars or cafés if you want a meal,  shops selling clothes, travel agents if you are planning any trips, if you fancy yourself as a member of the press or some other profession then the fake ID’s are there for the taking.  There are even a few backpacker hostels and little hotels.  If you need it, you will find it here. Quite possibly you will get here and find something you didn’t actually know you needed
We stayed in Bangkok for 6 days in total and on leaving my impression of it was the same as when I arrived.  It is dirty, polluted, loud and very, very busy and I loved it…

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