Monday 2 July 2018

Life in the Big Apple - Part 3

On the morning of the 14th we woke up at the normal time and headed out for our next adventure. As we had packed so much into our first few days we kind of felt like we had done everything but we were in New York and it always has more to offer.
Earlier in the week we had been offered a Boat Trip and as no Holiday is complete without going on a Boat that was very high on today’s agenda. We also had a few other things to find so once again we headed Downtown.
Our first stop was for breakfast and after unsuccessfully trying one or 2 places we decided to try Applebee’s.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing; if I lived this day over again then I’d go somewhere else.
Next on the list was The Ghostbusters firehouse, the Hook and Ladder.  We had already looked this up on the map and were convinced we’d walked past it a few days earlier but it had not jumped out at us so we set out to find it.  We knew from the Map it was in Tribecca so off we set.  
Our new trick of Starbucks Navigation came into play a few times (if you have a smart phone stand outside Starbuck and use the free WIFI to view your maps).  Eventually we found it.  Well, we found the location.  The maps were telling us we were right by it but we could not see it.  We ended up walking all the way around the block and back to the original spot before we noticed a sign outside the boarded up building telling us that Hook and Ladder was undergoing maintenance.  Someone had very kindly drawn some Ghostbusters type logo’s on the pavement for us though so at least we could say we’d been there.
We knew that our boat trip was still on the agenda and we realised that we were still a good distance away from South Quay so we decided to brave the Subway rather than try to walk again.  First we needed to find the right station.
We walked for a little while and on the way we found some more of the notifications for parking restrictions.  This time it was for filming of The Blacklist.  This was exciting news for 2 reasons, first because we had been fans of The Blacklist since the very first episode and secondly the filming was due to take place the following morning. 
After this little flurry of excitement we found our Subway station and eventually (after trying to work out the ticket machines and train routes) we made our way to South Quay to get our boat tickets.
The boat trip was brilliant; it took us from the Quay up the Hudson River and past the Statue of Liberty, I have never really seen the Status of Liberty properly, even when I did the helicopter trip many (many) years ago I didn’t see it as well as we saw it today.  We stopped for a decent photo session before heading uptown.  The views of Manhattan were spectacular and the commentary gave us some real insight into how New York has changed over the years.  They even pointed out the part of the Hudson where the Pilot had landed his plane in the River.  The only real problem was that it was so cold.  We decided that we would get off the boat at the 911 memorial rather than go all the way back to South Quay.
After another look around we headed uptown again for something to eat in Chinatown before heading back to the Subway.  That was the plan anyway.  We took so many little twists and turns through Chinatown that we didn’t really know where we were heading as we wandered uptown.  We found ourselves by the entrance to the Manhattan Bridge.  We had to take a moment to enjoy the spectacular image but we then decided that we needed to carry on and get our bearings again so we kept heading uptown until the streets started to have numbers instead of names.  Eventually we reached 2nd Avenue and decided it was time for a beer or two.  Strange things happen in New York City.  As we sat enjoying our drinks we noticed that it was getting very busy outside.  There were Lorries pulling up opposite and people started to mingle just a few feet from the door to the bar and trolleys carrying equipment we dragged into view.  It turns out that we were watching a film crew setting up for a shooting of the TV drama Madam Secretary.
Feeling fully refreshed we braved the Subway and headed uptown again, this time we decided to exit the subterranean transport link at Times Square as we had a little time to kill before our appointment at the Top of the Rock.
One thing you learn on a visit to The Big Apple is that some New Yorkers can make being rude into an art form.  They obviously have a great deal of experience in doing this and can seamlessly integrate this into their working life.  I’d say that this unique skill must be a requirement if you wish to apply for a security position at the Rockefeller Centre.  The views are spectacular and it is well worth a visit but I came away feeling like a naughty child because I had not fully understood that we did not need to put our coats into the tray for the X-Ray machine or for wanting to stand in a certain place to get a picture of the Empire State Building. 
The Morning of the 15th saw us preparing for our Journey home.  We were happy that we had crossed so many things of our list but there was still time for a few more so after we had packed our cases we headed out on the search for breakfast and for another Movie landmark that we had both spotted on the way back from the Airport after our Niagara visit.
Instead of heading downtown, this morning we were heading east.  After a quick photo of Bloomingdales we reached our target, East 60th street, and the setting of one of my favourite Chick Flicks, Serendipity.  The shop is called Serendipity III and sadly we were too early to see it during opening hours but I was happy with a photograph.
As we had still not managed to get breakfast we decided to just pop into a Deli for something quick that we could eat on the go while we made our way to the next location on our list.  I think we must have hit the jackpot as we were faced with so much choice.  We opted for a bagel and if we had known how big they were going to be then we may have decided to share one.  This would have been a mistake as they were just too delicious to leave.
After a little bit of Starbucks navigation we found our way to the Subway station and headed to our next adventure.  Next stop was Tribecca where we hoped to find the spot where they were doing the filming for The Blacklist.  We had covered so much ground on the previous day that neither of us could remember exactly where we had seen the signs but as we approached yet another Starbucks we saw that some of the pavement have been blocked off and there were people stood around with camera equipment.  At first it looked like they were packing everything away but it turned out that they were just making adjustments so we decided to hang around for a little while to see if anything happened.  We decided to try to see if we could see any better from the other side of the road and it became apparent that they were filming inside a little bistro.  We could see a waiter stood in the window dressed in Black and White and sat at the table was what appeared to be the female lead but we could not see her face well enough to say for sure.
My wife started to get a little nervous about being there as the crew kept glancing over and she was certain we were going to be asked to move so we switched back to the other side of the road where we stayed for a few minutes just watching.  We were just about to leave when my wife pointed excitedly at a guy in a hat that was walking towards the building.  At first I wondered what I was looking for then I spotted James Spader walking towards the Bistro door, raising his hat in the trademark Raymond Reddington style.  These brief few seconds managed to add the final topping to an already amazing New York City experience.

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