Friday 27 October 2017

Half Marathon Training part 2

After the illness and the holiday I returned to the training plan and really needed to buckle down and get back on track.  Tuesday saw us completing the normal short off plan run so that the old legs were ready for a longer stretch on the Wednesday but this was the day where the mild weather gave way to a real torrent.
We decided that going out for a run would be a really bad idea so decided to pay a visit to the gym instead. 
Image result for I hate treadmill running cartoonI have no idea how I used to spend so much time on a treadmill. 
This hour of my life was a hot, humid and incredibly unpleasant experience that I have no desire to repeat.  I only managed to do 10 of the 12 Kilometres I was supposed to complete on this run and I could easily have stopped after 8. 

Luckily the weekend was a much better prospect so my 16K run went according to plan.  My wife had decided that she was going to get a lift to work on the Saturday and then run home so I set off from home about 30 minutes before she was due to finish and ran to meet her.  By the time we met up I had done nearly 7k while she had clocked up nearly 3.  It all worked out perfectly.  By the time we got home I had completed my 16k run at a comfortable pace and Mrs B had clocked up another 12K.

The following week we took our off plan Tuesday run (now nicknamed BTRC, Beewell’s Tuesday Running Club) up a level and ran a 5k instead of the normal 3.  This gave my wife her second best time at this distance, I am sure we can accomplish a PB in the next few weeks.

Saturday saw me complete my greatest distance yet.  The plan said I was to complete a 12K comfortable paced run but I was feeling much more and ended up getting home with 18K behind me.  It felt good!!
After that it was kind of business as usual, planned runs with a couple of unplanned runs thrown in but noting to special worth writing about until one of our off plan runs occurred on a Monday.  On paper this run had disaster written all over it.

On the Sunday night / Monday morning we were rudely awoken by an alarm from a Van parked in our street.  In the space of the next 3 hours the alarm went off 4 times in total meaning very little sleep.

The Monday evening we were both really tired and a little grumpy but eventually made the decision to get the Tuesday run completed a day early so we had more time the following evening to get stuff done.  Neither of us really felt like a run and when we got outside it was starting to rain. Sometimes though good things happen when you least expect it.  I knew at about the 2K mark that we were making good time but didn’t say anything to Mrs B as I didn’t want to jinx it.  At the 2.5 marker she was struggling so we slowed down the pace and then gradually picked it up.  The 4k point showed that we were still having a good run despite the slowing pace earlier and we finished the 5K with another PB in the bag for Mrs B.

Actually, she has demolished her previous PB by taking over a minute off her 5K time.

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