Monday 30 January 2017

Dry January - The end is Nigh

It feels quite weird to be just a few days away from the end of Dry January, on the whole the dry month has been easy.  There have been times where I’d have really loved a beer but this soon passed after a drink of the alcohol substitute, Fizzy water.

I have seen a few posts regarding a month of abstinence this weekend and some people seem to be under the impression last weekend was a good excuse for a beer as it was pay day but to me this would be a failure because IT’S STILL JANUARY!!!
It would be like deciding to run a Marathon, getting to mile 25 and going...Ah..That’s close enough.


I am writing this on January 30th so there are just over 36 hours left of January and I have been considering my first alcoholic beverage of 2017 for a little while now and I have decided that this will be a pint of Hobgoblin Gold.  I normally drink standard low strength lagers but I really do not feel that a pint of Fosters will be in tune with the achievement I will be celebrating.

I also feel that February 1st may be too early to break the ban so I anticipate my first drink to be a revival of one of my favourite days, I am bringing Thirsty Thursday into 2017. 

So, how do I feel after my month off the beer?  To be honest, I don’t feel any different.  I think I may have lost a little bit of weight, I have possibly saved a little money and I guess there are certainly health benefits but the main thing is that I have learned that just because I feel like I need a beer, I really don’t NEED a beer...I just want one.

Not drinking has been quite a topic of conversation in our household and both my wife and I agree that week day drinking is not needed and it is a bad habit that we have fallen into so we plan on leaving the drink to be a weekend treat, hopefully the belly will continue to shrink and the pounds in the bank can creep up instead of it being the other way around.

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