Tuesday 3 January 2017

Dry January – Dry Run

Dry January – Dry Run

With the idea of a Dry January firmly in place I ended up with an Impromptu practice session, sort of a Dry Run.

On the evening of the 29th December my wife was prescribed a course of Antibiotics and announced that her Dry January was going to be starting a few days early as she was not allowed to drink. 

The fact that she really didn’t feel like drinking and all she wanted to do was sleep also helped I guess.

So, being the supportive husband I decided to have a Dry Thursday instead of the more traditional Cider Thursday.

My drink of choice this evening was a pint or 2 of fizzy peach flavoured water and it was pretty tasty and, to be fair, I didn’t really miss the normal apple flavoured fizz in the slightest.

The only real issue was that at 10.30 when I was trying to sleep, my mind was a lot more active than usual but this could be because I had started a new game on the Xbox before retiring to bed. 

On the 30th I planned on having a drink but with my wife on the Antibiotics I really wasn’t feeling in the mood.  I did have one bottle of ale with my dinner but I didn’t really enjoy it that much so decided there was no point in having any more.  Another early night meant another Xbox night for me and this time I slept well and woke up feeling pretty good.

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