Thursday 29 December 2016

Dry January

I thought it may be a good idea to fend off the seasonal excesses and attempt to complete a Dry January.  So, why am I doing this?

The main reason is, I drink too much.  It is all to easy to come home from work, get the jobs done and open a beer in front of the TV.  It is then inevitable that this is followed by beer number 2, 3 and possibly 4. 

On a Saturday, or a particularly bad day, this can carry on a little further towards the double figures and end up with a Nightcap of Whisky.

I do make sure I have at least one night a week off the booze and have adopted a Dry Monday but December has seen that fall by the way side.

Another reason is fitness, I feel like I am in relatively good shape.  My BMI tells me I am still over weight but I am sure that there are not many 40+ year olds that can say they have a perfect physique. 

I run, I go to the Gym and I am learning to dance so my lifestyle is fairly active but I am sure cutting out the Alcohol will lead to long term health benefits and help stop that sluggish feeling in the morning while I attempt to drag my body out of bed.  Who knows, the Pre-work run may even come back.

Finally, there are financial benefits. Imagine going on a night out and having 4 beers.  These days you rarely get much change from a crisp £5 note when you order a beer so 4 beers is going to reduce your hard earned 20 quid into pocket change, and let’s not forget about the end of the night Taxi’s and the unexpected kebab. 

While all of this looks reasonable on Paper, I still have to get out there and do it.

The Plan is to cut off on January 1st 2017 and not touch a drop until Feb 1st 2017.  I am not being so strict as to say that Midnight 01.01.2017 is my cut off, I will still be celebrating New Years with my glass of Champagne but as soon as I wake up in 2017 then the ban is on.

I will be posting regular updates but in the mean time if anyone has any tips then I will be happy to hear them.

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