Tuesday 9 December 2014

Gaming community

One of the biggest annoyances nowadays is the petty rivalry between gamers. I am not talking about who is the best Call of Duty warrior or who is fastest around the virtual race track, the one I am talking about is the console wars.
It is impossible to see an article online about the Xbox or Playstation without an owner of the opposing console making a comment about their preferred console being better.

 Xbox owners hate Sony, Playstation owners hate Microsoft and PC users are not likely to have a good thing to say about either. I am not even confident that any of the critics actually know anything about the actual machine that they are eager to ridicule.

My personal choice of console is the Xbox 360 and I had a clear reason for buying this. It is probably the same reason a good many other people chose their console. My mates had 360’s so I got a 360 so I could play games online with them or chat with them while we played different games. It was a simple choice and it wasn’t based on whether I hated Sony or anything like that. At the time I actually had a Playstation 2 so had my friends been converts to the PS3 then I would probably have ended up with one of those instead.

 My cousin has a PS3 and I support his choice. I have even played on his console quite often and as far as game play is concerned there is very little difference between the 2 once you get used to the button configuration. There is a small problem with the controller being a different shape, after a while it starts to slip out of my hands but my biggest issue I have is that I cannot join my cousin or my work colleagues on Split/ Second or COD without paying out for an additional console.

 You would think that with the games industry being so huge nowadays that they would be able to come up with a way to synchronise systems and open the world up to cross platform gaming. I think a lot of the rivalry would go away if you could log on to your system and just play and not even know (or care) if the person who has just kicked your ass is on xbox live, the Playstation network, a PC or even one of the Nintendo consoles.

After all, we are all gamers and surely all we want to do is play.

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