Wednesday 22 January 2014

Top 5 “Explicit Lyrics” – Be warned…Do not read if easily offended.

Song writing is generally a form of self-expression so it is only natural that from time to time the mood turns to the darker side of the human emotional scale and either the subject matter gets a little controversial or the language takes a turn for the extreme. Here is my top 5 uses of extreme language in a musical interlude, There may be a few surprises along the way

1, F****** Hostile – Pantera - It is generally not a great surprise to find bad language in a Heavy metal song but this has to be one of my favourites. As well as using the swearing in the song itself they obviously felt so strong about it that they used it as the Chorus and the song title. The song itself isn’t actually using the explicit content just for the sake of it, the whole lyric and feel of the tune gives you the feeling that they are genuinely annoyed about something and even without the inclusion of the F word the song stands alone and is a perfect example of a great album track, brilliant live track and even a contender to be a single but I cannot see this gaining much in the way of Airplay.

2,Little Comedian – Rialto - Another Album track from a little known band from the 1990’s. This actually takes the unique approach of using multiple swear words and sneaking them into the subject of the verses so they don’t really stand out too much unless you really listen. You could easily miss lyrics like “Knock knock I wonder who’s that, knocking everyone’s drinks back and treading s**t into the rug” Or the opening verse of “Here comes the star of the show, but he’s got P*ss down his clothes” followed by “Still he’s the one with all the front, ladies and Gentlemen, let’s have your warmest welcome, to the world’s biggest little c**t”.

3,Temptation -Wet Wet Wet - Who would have thought that these clean cut boys from Scotland would sneak a cheeky F word into the album version of one their songs. Certainly not a certain day time presenter at radio 1 who decided to play the longer version of the song rather than the radio edits. This one has caught a few Radio DJ’s out over the years and every time I hear it I listen intently to see which version is being played.

4,Room 512 – Wonderstuff - With this one I admire the variety of the language and I really cannot think of any other song that uses one of the expletives used here. “The singers frowning, cos he’s quoting phrase, from a sh*t book by some wa***er that say’s, education, that won’t get you by cos it’s crime that pays.

5,Skunk Anansie – Glorious Pop Song - I think this one is just a deliberate mickey take as they use a pop melody and an inoffensive tune to sing a few “la la la’s” before going into the chorus of “ You’re still a f***er” 4 times!

A special mention goes to Kate Bush for her "Don't want your BullSh*t line in the album track "The Song of Solomon" from the "Red Shoes" CD.

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