Thursday 5 December 2013

When did you last experience good customer service?

As a nation I think that the British need to learn how to complain, other nations are happy to be more vocal if things are not right while we are just happy to grin and bear it and as such we get “rewarded” with poor service. A little while ago I was looking around for a new car, so I went around to a few garages looking at different models, different specifications in order to do my research. I managed to get the list down to 3 cars and had a chat to the sales man and booked a test drive. I opted for the following Friday morning as I had already booked the day off work so I could make an early start to a weekend break. It was obviously my intention to purchase one of the 3 cars I had looked at but until I’d driven the car and spent a little time asking questions I would have no idea which one was the best fit. I woke early on the Friday and took my old car to the car wash for a full valet so that the value could be assessed and arrived at the pre-arranged time. When I arrived I was told that the sales man was with another customer and that they would be with me shortly, a few moments later he arrived and saw me sat in the waiting area and came over to greet me and told me he would be about 20 minutes and made sure I had coffee and off he went. 20 minutes passed, then 30 and I started to get a little agitated. At this point I was told that another 10 minutes was needed and I agreed to wait. When I had been waiting for 45 minutes I thought I had been a little too patient but it looked like things were happening….but as soon as my watch told me I had been waiting for an hour I decided enough was enough and stood up and made for the door. My salesman said he’d just be one more minute and could I wait but I shook my head and told him that I thought an hours wait was long enough and that was it. Needless to say I decided to go to a completely different place, the salesman lost a sale and the company has now gone down in my estimation. For obvious reasons I have not named the car company but I will happily tell the tale of what I consider to be unacceptable customer service should anyone ever mention that they are considering buying a car from this company. After all, if this is how they treat a potential customer I should image the level of service you receive AFTER you have handed over your money can only dwindle. Sadly this is not the only example of bad service I have received in recent years, the whole country seems to accept that our expectations are not very high and assess their treatment of the customer accordingly. At least the people in this car show room were polite, I have been to shops or restaurants in the past where not only are the staff incompetent and unwilling to help but they also manage to throw an element of rudeness into the equation to boot.

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