Friday 26 April 2013

The Jo guest posse - Places of no interest whatsoever.

There were several other places that we stopped at on our way down the coast but they are not really significant enough to warrant their own posting either that or I cannot actually remember any stories associated with the visit. I know we went to Ayr, Bowen and Macay but what we were doing there is another story altogether and the memories of them are all blurring into one. It may just be the quest for work popping up again and when it looked unlikely we would have moved on.
I do remember one of the hostels that we stayed in for just one night. The dorm rooms were....unique. They were nothing more than cubicles with a curtain seperating the room from the corridor. We had stayed in some pretty awful places by this time but this was one  that stood out for all of the wrong reasons. I think that this may have been Rockhampton.
What I do remember with certainty is the weather.  Just after we had arrived it started to rain and came down in heavy torrents. Barb suggested going for a run, she had always wanted to run through a rain storm and this was the best chance she'd have so I decided to join her.  It was an experience for sure and luckily it was that warm tropical rain rather than the cold rain that you always get in England. Ok, we were soaked to the skin but it was great fun,  rain was coming down  so fast that the drains were unable to cope so floods of water were running down the streets and gutters were overflowing.  When we stood in the road we were ankle deep in water.

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