Friday 15 March 2013

Triathalon Training

This week has been a good week for training and for tips on training.  On Monday my trip to the gym gave me a PB on my 5K run.  Before I have seen myself increasing the time on the treadmill until I have reached my goal distance and the best so far was 36 minutes.  I was determined to cut that time and this week I did it.  I have brought my 5K run down to 35 minutes but I actually did 5.08K in the 35 Minutes.  The next step is to maintain that level.
Tuesday was swimming time, my wife has been training me as she is a really good swimmer and just seems to be getting better.  The distance for the “fun” Triathlon swim is 200m.  This is equivalent to 10 lengths of the pool we use and I have been working up to doing this distance.  This week I managed to do this straight off and you can only imagine the satisfaction I felt.
After a bit of a rest I swam a further 6 lengths, rest, then another 6.  A final 6 lengths would give me 28 lengths making this the longest swim so far.  On the last length of my final set I felt pretty good and decided to make it a nice round 30 but my wife was on her own mission and was on the way to completing her 40th length so I decided to take my final set to 10 and to complete my 32nd length. I have to admit that even though this isn’t a significant distance to good swimmers it is a real achievement to me.
My mate Danny has completed a few Triathlons over the last few years and he has been encouraging me to join him.  He has given me some inspiration and sent me a link for a training guide that looks really useful.
All I need to do now is keep up the training and hopefully this will set me up for the day.
One great tip that I have been given is regarding the order in which I train.  I am used to going for a run on the treadmill and then finishing the session on the bikes.  It never crossed my mind that in the event I will actually be doing the run last so really I need to start running after I have been on the bike to see if I can actually cover any distance with a pair of wobbly legs.

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