Saturday 2 March 2013


Thank you for taking the time to look at my page.

All I really want to use this space for is to get rid of some of my ideas or thoughts that are clogging up my mind.  I may also share a few travel stories or other bits and bobs so some posts may be a little boring and some may just be totally random.  I am not making any promises about this being entertaining or anything like that, it is merely a selfish act on my part and has the views or memories of a fairly average 40 something male.

As this is my first post I guess a little something about me should be included, As I say I am an average 40 something male living pretty much smack bang in the middle of the country.  I am married but so far the 2.4 children have eluded me.  I am still a little undecided on the whole kids thing, my wife would like a little one to join the family and I do think she would be an amazing mother, just based on the way she has looked after me for the whole time we have been together.  My concern on this is that I will be an old parent and may not be able to offer the things that a child needs, especially when the child reaches the difficult teenage years complete with Tantrums and mood swings.  Having said that, if it happens it happens and I will no doubt be over the moon should we find out that we have been blessed with a new addition to the clan.

I would say I live a fairly active life and have been going to the gym for a little while in a bid to prevent the middle age spread that is inevitable at my age.  During the summer months I do prefer getting out and about and cycling rather than resorting to using the Gym bikes as I do in the winter months and this year I plan on starting to run instead of using the treadmill.  I have foolishly booked myself into a Triathalon later this year so I am sure there will be stories about this as the days draw near!!  I am already working on my swimming as I have never been the strongest in the water so watch this space.  The swimming part is only a short distance, it is sort of a Triathalon for beginners really but it’s a start.  Who knows…It may be the start of a new hobby. 

As well as the Tri there are a few other events that I will be taking part in that involve either running or cycling so there may be some kind of training journal cropping up from time to time, again, this will be a purely selfish venture that I will use to track my progress.

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